TCF Whiteboard help
Whiteboard is a tool that allows AWC, NAMs, CWSUs, and airline partners to collaborate on the TFM Convective Forecast (TCF). The whiteboard collaboration consists of two parts: a chatroom for text discussion and a visual forecast tool on The chatroom utilizes the National Weather Service enterprise chat software, NWS Chat 2.0 (Slack). Users must be added to the private TCF collaboration chat channel. Collborators use editable maps to for creating a visual collaborative forecast, similar to the previous drawing collaboration process, to contribute to the office forecast issued by the Aviation Weather Center.
Click here to watch a tutorial video on the TCF Whiteboard.
During the collaboration windows, the Whiteboard loads the current TCF prelim product, produced by an AWC forecaster in light blue, displayed within the Graphical Forecasts for Aviation framework. The time slider along the bottom has tick marks for each of the forecast hours and the buttons along the right side of the screen adjust settings on the map. The legend can be toggled on using the icon at the bottom right of the screen. Map layer such as FIR boundaries and navigational aid can be added to the map.
Collaboration users are able to draw and save polygons and lines as suggested forecast depictions for consideration in the Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) process using the Drawing Tools on the left side of the map. Each contributor is assigned a color that is used for drawn objects shown to all collaborators including AWC.
Layer Selector
The layer selector provides the opportunity to toggle layers on and off from the map. The default map displays the TCF prelim from an AWC forecaster, TCF collaboration from other NWS partners, and any additions the user has made to the map. Add radar imagery or echo tops by checking the top box and selecting the product.
Map Options
Click the gear icon below the Layer selector at the top right corner to configure the map options. A pop-up window will appear in the middle of the screen providing access to additional settings. The radar settings can be adjusted under the Imagery dropdown. Map Format provides options to adjust the map background and clock. Map features provides a list of navigation and geological overlays to the map. To close the map options, click the close button or anywhere outside of the pop-up window.
User tools
Click the people icon to view other collaborators viewing the whiteboard at the same time. If another collaborator has provided a visual forecast suggestion, the color on the map will be associated with the name of the user who drew the polygon.
The Whiteboard automatically refreshes every 20 seconds, however users can refresh immediately using the reload button. This can be used especially in tandem with a user providing feedback in the NWS Chat 2.0 text discussion of relevant updates to the shared map.
Save the polygon that has been drawn using the red save icon. The icon will only appear red when there is new information that has not yet been saved. When the user changes the valid forecast time using the timeslider along the bottom of the map, the polygon will automatically save so no work is lost.
Drawing tools
Draw a new polygon or line by using the cloud icons along the left side of the map. The two different clouds represent sparse and medium coverage, however this information can also be changed after the face. The third draws solid lines. Once drawn clicking a polygon pops up the attributes of confidence, coverage, and echo tops. The other icons allow the user to edit vertices, move, erase, or rotate the polygon or line that was drawn.
Collaboration Times
Collaboration times are relative to local time for consistency with Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) planning cycles. UTC forecast cycle and collaboration times therefore may be different with Daylight Saving Time. Times below are relative to the current calendar day.
Forecast Cycle | UTC Time | Local Time |
What has changed recently?
The entire site has been redesigned so almost everything is new. For information about the most recent updates, please see the change log.
Why is my link not working?
As part of the upgrade to the site, some pages were consolidated and some URL's have changed. Check out the link conversions to find what you are looking for. If you are still unable to find the information you are looking for, submit a question using the envelope in the top right.
Where is the METAR page?
You can view the METAR data by using the Products dropdown and selecting METAR data. The interactive Graphical Forecasts for Aviation map also displays METARs, under the observations tab. To view METARs alone, click on the Layers button at the top left corner of the map and deselect items you do not wish to view. You can view decoded METARs by checking the "decoded box in the Map Options under the gear icon on GFA. Here is a link to the observations tab: GFA Observations tab.
How do I submit PIREPs?
Sign up for an account on our registration page, or using the Contact Us dialog under the envelope at the top right corner of the screen. Select "PIREP Access" as the category, and be sure to include your airmen’s certificate number or affiliation with an airline, flight school, government or military organization for validation purposes to streamline the process. Accounts are validated via the FAA Airmen Inquiry.
Once you have an account and are logged in, select "Submit a PIREP" from the Tools dropdown and fill out the form. For more information on PIREP submit, use the link at the bottom, or click here.
Where do I submit questions/comments?
Click on the envelope button at the top right corner of your screen to fill out the webmail form. There are some new features and there will be some initial bugs. Please don't hesitate to let us know. We run a deployment of functionality upgrades every month. Critical bugs will be fixed as soon as possible.
Why can't I log in to my account?
You will need to log in and/or have correct permissions. If you do not see a confirmation email after registering, please check your spam folder. Please contact us if further information is required.
How do I access the Flight Path Tool?
The flight path tool is now embedded into the interactive Graphical Forecasts for Aviation map. Click on the route button along theright side of the map to open the display. Enter the airports to navigate, and select the product you wish to display from the dropdown. Watch a video on how to use the cross sections here.