openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: API description: |- New data API of This supercedes the ADDS Data Server and AviationWeather Web Services. termsOfService: version: "3.12" tags: - name: Data description: Decoded weather and navigational information - name: Dataserver description: Aviation weather information using an interface designed for maximum compatibility with the previous Text Data Server paths: /api/data/metar: get: tags: - Data summary: METARs description: Decoded aviation weather observations operationId: dataMetars parameters: - name: ids in: query description: Station ID(s) required: false examples: -: value: "" id: summary: A single ICAO Id value: KMCI ids: summary: A list of ICAO Ids separated by commas or spaces value: KMCI,KORD,KBOS states: summary: A 2 letter state abbreviation preceded by a @ value: "@WA" schema: type: string - name: format in: query description: Format required: false schema: type: string enum: - raw - json - geojson - xml - html - name: taf in: query description: Include TAF required: false schema: type: boolean - name: hours in: query description: Hours back to search required: false explode: true schema: type: number - name: bbox in: query description: Geographic bounding box (lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) required: false examples: -: value: "" box: summary: A small box around Chicago value: 40,-90,45,-85 schema: type: string - name: date in: query description: > Date * `yyyymmdd_hhmm` * `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ` required: false explode: true examples: -: value: "" datim: summary: Date/time string value: 20250127_190002Z iso_date: summary: ISO8601 Date value: 2025-01-27T19:00:02Z schema: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/taf: get: tags: - Data summary: TAFs description: Decoded Terminal Aerodrome Forecast products operationId: dataTaf parameters: - name: ids in: query description: Station ID(s) required: false examples: -: value: "" id: summary: A single ICAO Id value: KMCI ids: summary: A list of ICAO Ids separated by commas or spaces value: KMCI,KORD,KBOS states: summary: A 2 letter state abbreviation preceded by a @ value: "@WA" schema: type: string - name: format in: query description: Format required: false schema: type: string enum: - raw - json - geojson - xml - html - name: metar in: query description: Include METAR required: false schema: type: boolean - name: bbox in: query description: Geographic bounding box (lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) required: false examples: -: value: "" box: summary: A small box around Chicago value: 40,-90,45,-85 schema: type: string - name: time in: query description: Process time by valid (default) or issuance time required: false schema: type: string enum: - valid - issue - name: date in: query description: > Date * `yyyymmdd_hhmm` * `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ` required: false explode: true examples: -: value: "" datim: summary: Date/time string value: 20250127_190002Z iso_date: summary: ISO8601 Date value: 2025-01-27T19:00:02Z schema: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/pirep: get: tags: - Data summary: Pilot Reports description: Pilot reports issued in PIREP or AIREP format operationId: dataPIREPPHP parameters: - name: id in: query description: Station ID required: false explode: true schema: type: string - name: format in: query description: Format required: false explode: true schema: type: string enum: - raw - name: age in: query description: Hours Back required: false explode: true schema: type: number - name: distance in: query description: Distance required: false explode: true schema: type: number - name: level in: query description: Level +-3000' to search required: false explode: true schema: type: number - name: inten in: query description: Minimum intensity required: false explode: true schema: type: string enum: - lgt - mod - sev - name: date in: query description: > Date * `yyyymmdd_hhmm` * `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ` required: false explode: true examples: -: value: "" datim: summary: Date/time string value: 20250127_190002Z iso_date: summary: ISO8601 Date value: 2025-01-27T19:00:02Z schema: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/airsigmet: get: tags: - Data summary: Domestic AIRMETs/SIGMETs description: Domestic SIGMETs and AIRMETs for the United States. Does not include SIGMETs issued by the US in international format. Domestic AIRMETs to be discontinued in January 2025. operationId: dataSIGMET parameters: - name: format in: query description: Format required: false schema: type: string enum: - raw - json - xml - name: type in: query description: Product type required: false schema: type: string enum: - sigmet - airmet - name: hazard in: query description: Hazard required: false schema: type: string enum: - conv - turb - ice - ifr - name: level in: query description: The level +-3000' to search required: false explode: true schema: type: number - name: date in: query description: > Date * `yyyymmdd_hhmm` * `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ` required: false explode: true examples: -: value: "" datim: summary: Date/time string value: 20250127_190002Z iso_date: summary: ISO8601 Date value: 2025-01-27T19:00:02Z schema: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/isigmet: get: tags: - Data summary: International SIGMETs description: Decoded international SIGMETs. This does not include SIGMETs from the United States in domestic format. operationId: dataiSIGMET parameters: - name: format in: query description: Format required: false schema: type: string enum: - raw - json - xml - name: hazard in: query description: Hazard required: false explode: true schema: type: string enum: - turb - ice - name: level in: query description: Level +-3000' to search required: false explode: true schema: type: number - name: date in: query description: > Date * `yyyymmdd_hhmm` * `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ` required: false explode: true examples: -: value: "" datim: summary: Date/time string value: 20250127_190002Z iso_date: summary: ISO8601 Date value: 2025-01-27T19:00:02Z schema: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/gairmet: get: tags: - Data summary: US Graphical AIRMETs description: Decoded G-AIRMETs for the contiguous United States operationId: dataGAIRMET parameters: - name: type in: query description: Product type required: false explode: true schema: type: string enum: - sierra - tango - zulu - name: format in: query description: Format required: false schema: type: string enum: - decoded - json - geojson - xml - name: hazard in: query description: "Hazard" required: false explode: true schema: type: string enum: - turb-hi - turb-lo - llws - sfc_wind - ifr - mtn_obs - ice - fzlvl - name: date in: query description: Date (yyyymmdd_hhmm) required: false explode: true examples: -: value: "" datim: summary: Date/tiime string value: 20250127_190002Z iso_date: summary: ISO8601 Date value: 2025-01-27T19:00:02Z schema: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation content: text/plain: schema: type: string text/html: schema: type: string application/xml: schema: type: object application/json: schema: type: object #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/cwa: get: tags: - Data summary: CWSU Center Advisories description: Center Weather Advisories issued by NWS Center Weather Service Units (CWSUs) operationId: dataCWA parameters: - name: hazard in: query description: Hazard required: false explode: true schema: type: string enum: - ts - turb - ice - ifr - pcpn - unk - name: date in: query description: > Date * `yyyymmdd_hhmm` * `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ` required: false explode: true examples: -: value: "" datim: summary: Date/time string value: 20250127_190002Z iso_date: summary: ISO8601 Date value: 2025-01-27T19:00:02Z schema: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation content: text/plain: schema: type: string text/html: schema: type: string application/xml: schema: type: object properties: data: type: object xml: name: response application/json: schema: type: array items: type: object #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/windtemp: get: tags: - Data summary: Wind/Temp Point Data description: Wind and temperature information from the legacy FD winds operationId: dataWindTemp parameters: - name: region in: query required: false schema: type: string enum: [us,bos,mia,chi,dfw,slc,sfo,alaska,hawaii,other_pac] description: > Region: * `all` - All sites * `bos` - Northeast * `mia` - Southeast * `chi` - North central * `dfw` - South central * `slc` - Rocky Mountain * `sfo` - Pacific Coast * `alaska` - Alaska * `hawaii` - Hawaii * `other_pac` - Western Pacific - name: level in: query description: Level required: false schema: type: string enum: - low - high - name: fcst in: query description: Forecast cycle required: false schema: type: string enum: - "06" - "12" - "24" responses: '200': description: successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/areafcst: get: tags: - Data summary: US Area Forecasts description: Text Area Forecasts for the United States outside the contiguous states operationId: dataAreaFcst parameters: - name: region in: query description: > Date * `gulf` - Gulf of Mexico * `hawaii` - Hawaii * `aknorth` - Northern half of Alaska * `akcentral` - Interior Alaska * `aksouth` - Southcentral Alaska * `aksouthwest` - Alaska Penninsula * `aksoutheast` - Eastern Gulf of Alaska * `akpanhandle` - Alaska required: true schema: type: string enum: - gulf - hawaii - aknorth - akcentral - akaleutian - aksouth - aksouthwest - aksoutheast - akpanhandle responses: '200': description: successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/fcstdisc: get: tags: - Data summary: US Forecast Discussions description: Aviation Forecast Discussions issued by NWS Weather Forecast Offices operationId: dataFcstDisc parameters: - name: cwa in: query description: County Warning Area (WFO) required: false examples: -: value: "" KEAX: summary: Kansas City value: "keax" schema: type: string - name: type in: query description: > Type of output: * `afd` - aviation discussion * `af` - full discussion required: false schema: type: string enum: - afd - af responses: '200': description: successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/mis: get: tags: - Data summary: Meteorological Information Statement description: Meteorological Information Statements issued by NWS Center Weather Service Units (CWSU) operationId: dataMIS parameters: - name: loc in: query description: CWSU required: false examples: -: value: "" zkc: summary: Kansas City value: "zkc" schema: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/stationinfo: get: tags: - Data summary: Station info description: Station observation location information operationId: dataStationInfo parameters: - name: ids in: query description: Station ID(s) required: false examples: -: value: "" ids: summary: A set of IDs value: "KORD,KJFK,KDEN" schema: type: string - name: bbox in: query description: Geographic bounding box (lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) required: false examples: box: summary: A box around Chicago value: 35,-90,45,-80 schema: type: string - name: format in: query description: Format required: false explode: true schema: type: string enum: - raw - json - geojson - xml responses: '200': description: successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/airport: get: tags: - Data summary: Airport info description: Information about airports operationId: dataAirport parameters: - name: ids in: query description: Station ID(s) required: false examples: id: summary: A single ICAO Id value: KMCI ids: summary: A list of ICAO Ids separated by commas or spaces value: KMCI,KORD,KBOS states: summary: A 2 letter state abbreviation preceded by a @ value: "@WA" schema: type: string - name: bbox in: query description: Geographic bounding box (lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) required: false examples: -: value: "" box: summary: A small box around Chicago value: 40,-90,45,-85 schema: type: string - name: format in: query description: Format required: false explode: true schema: type: string enum: - decoded - json - geojson responses: '200': description: successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/navaid: get: tags: - Data summary: Navigational aid info description: Navigational aid data operationId: dataNavaid parameters: - name: ids in: query description: 5 letter Fix ID(s) required: false examples: -: value: "" barbq: summary: MCI value: MCI schema: type: string - name: bbox in: query description: Geographic bounding box (lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) required: false examples: -: value: "" box: summary: A small box around Chicago value: 40,-90,45,-85 schema: type: string - name: format in: query description: Format required: false explode: true schema: type: string enum: - raw - json - geojson responses: '200': description: successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/fix: get: tags: - Data summary: Naviagtional fix info description: Naviagtional fix data operationId: dataFix parameters: - name: ids in: query description: 5 letter Fix ID(s) required: false examples: -: value: "" barbq: summary: BARBQ value: BARBQ schema: type: string - name: bbox in: query description: Geographic bounding box (lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) required: false examples: -: value: "" box: summary: A small box around Chicago value: 40,-90,45,-85 schema: type: string - name: format in: query description: Format required: false explode: true schema: type: string enum: - raw - json - geojson responses: '200': description: successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/feature: get: tags: - Data summary: Feature info description: Additional geographic features operationId: dataFeature parameters: - name: bbox in: query description: Geographic bounding box (lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) required: false examples: -: value: "" box: summary: A small box around Chicago value: 40,-90,45,-85 schema: type: string - name: format in: query description: Format required: false explode: true schema: type: string enum: - raw - json - geojson responses: '200': description: successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/obstacle: get: tags: - Data summary: Obstacle info description: Aviation obstacle information operationId: dataObstacle parameters: - name: bbox in: query description: Geographic bounding box (lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) required: false examples: -: value: "" box: summary: A small box around Chicago value: 40,-90,45,-85 schema: type: string - name: format in: query description: Format required: false explode: true schema: type: string enum: - raw - json - geojson responses: '200': description: successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/dataserver?requestType=retrieve&dataSource=metars: get: tags: - Dataserver summary: Dataserver for METARs description: METAR reports operationId: dataserverMetars parameters: - name: stationString in: query description: "Station ID(s) Note: must specify stationString or bounding box (minLat, ...)" required: false examples: -: summary: "Not specified" id: summary: "A single ICAO Id" value: KMCI ids: summary: "A list of ICAO Ids separated by commas or spaces" value: KMCI,KORD,KBOS states: summary: "A 2 letter state abbreviation preceded by a @" value: "@WA" schema: type: string - name: startTime in: query description: > Start time * `yyyymmdd_hhmm` * `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ` required: false examples: -: value: "" epoch_secs: summary: A Unix epoch time in seconds value: 1737997202 iso_date: summary: ISO8601 Date value: 2025-01-27T17:00:02Z schema: type: string - name: endTime in: query description: > End time * `yyyymmdd_hhmm` * `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ` required: false examples: -: value: "" epoch_secs: summary: A Unix epoch time in seconds value: 1738004402 iso_date: summary: ISO8601 Date value: 2025-01-27T19:00:02Z schema: type: string - name: hoursBeforeNow in: query description: "Number of hours before now to search" required: false explode: true schema: type: number - name: format in: query description: Output format explode: false schema: type: string default: xml enum: - xml - csv - name: mostRecent in: query description: "Single most recent METAR" required: false explode: false schema: type: boolean - name: mostRecentForEachStation in: query description: "Most recent METAR per station" required: false explode: false schema: type: string enum: - constraint - postfilter - name: boundingBox in: query description: Geographic bounding box (lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) required: false examples: -: value: "" box: summary: A small box around Chicago value: 40,-90,45,-85 schema: type: string responses: '200': description: Successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/dataserver?requestType=retrieve&dataSource=tafs: get: tags: - Dataserver summary: Dataserver for TAFs description: Return TAF data operationId: dataserverTafs parameters: - name: stationString in: query description: "Station ID(s) Note: must specify stationString or bounding box (minLat, ...)" required: false examples: -: value: "" id: summary: "A single ICAO Id" value: KMCI ids: summary: "A list of ICAO Ids separated by commas or spaces" value: KMCI,KORD,KBOS states: summary: "A 2 letter state abbreviation preceded by a @" value: "@WA" schema: type: string - name: startTime in: query description: > Start time * `yyyymmdd_hhmm` * `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ` required: false examples: -: value: "" epoch_secs: summary: A Unix epoch time in seconds value: 1737997202 iso_date: summary: ISO8601 Date value: 2025-01-27T17:00:02Z schema: type: string - name: endTime in: query description: > End time * `yyyymmdd_hhmm` * `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ` required: false examples: -: value: "" epoch_secs: summary: A Unix epoch time in seconds value: 1738004402 iso_date: summary: ISO8601 Date value: 2025-01-27T19:00:02Z schema: type: string - name: hoursBeforeNow in: query description: "Number of hours before now to search" required: false schema: type: number - name: format in: query description: Output format required: false schema: type: string default: xml enum: - xml - csv - name: mostRecent in: query description: "Single most recent TAF" required: false explode: false schema: type: boolean - name: mostRecentForEachStation in: query description: "Most recent TAF per station" required: false schema: type: string enum: - constraint - postfilter - name: boundingBox in: query description: Geographic bounding box (lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) required: false examples: -: value: "" box: summary: A small box around Chicago value: 40,-90,45,-85 schema: type: string responses: '200': description: Successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/dataserver?requestType=retrieve&dataSource=aircraftreports: get: tags: - Dataserver summary: Dataserver for AIREPs and PIREPs description: Return aircraft data operationId: dataserverAirep parameters: - name: startTime in: query description: > Start time * `yyyymmdd_hhmm` * `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ` required: false examples: -: value: "" epoch_secs: summary: A Unix epoch time in seconds value: 1737997202 iso_date: summary: ISO8601 Date value: 2025-01-27T17:00:02Z schema: type: string - name: endTime in: query description: > End time * `yyyymmdd_hhmm` * `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ` required: false examples: -: value: "" epoch_secs: summary: A Unix epoch time in seconds value: 1738004402 iso_date: summary: ISO8601 Date value: 2025-01-27T19:00:02Z schema: type: string - name: hoursBeforeNow in: query description: "Number of hours before now to search" required: false schema: type: number - name: format in: query description: Output format required: false schema: type: string default: xml enum: - xml - csv - name: boundingBox in: query description: Geographic bounding box (lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) required: false examples: -: value: "" box: summary: A small box around Chicago value: 40,-90,45,-85 schema: type: string - name: radialDistance in: query description: Circular bounds defined by latitude, longitude and radial distance in statute miles" required: false examples: -: value: "" radial: summary: A small area around Denver value: 20;-105,39 schema: type: string responses: '200': description: Successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/dataserver?requestType=retrieve&dataSource=airsigmets: get: tags: - Dataserver summary: Dataserver for AIRMETs and SIGMETs description: Return AIRMETs and SIGMETs operationId: dataserverSigmet parameters: - name: startTime in: query description: > Start time * `yyyymmdd_hhmm` * `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ` required: false examples: -: value: "" epoch_secs: summary: A Unix epoch time in seconds value: 1737997202 iso_date: summary: ISO8601 Date value: 2025-01-27T17:00:02Z schema: type: string - name: endTime in: query description: > End time * `yyyymmdd_hhmm` * `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ` required: false examples: -: value: "" epoch_secs: summary: A Unix epoch time in seconds value: 1738004402 iso_date: summary: ISO8601 Date value: 2025-01-27T19:00:02Z schema: type: string - name: hoursBeforeNow in: query description: "Number of hours before now to search" required: false schema: type: number - name: format in: query description: Output format required: false schema: type: string default: xml enum: - xml - csv - name: boundingBox in: query description: Geographic bounding box (lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) required: false examples: -: value: "" box: summary: A small box around Chicago value: 40,-90,45,-85 schema: type: string responses: '200': description: Successful operation #---------------------------------------------------------- /api/data/dataserver?requestType=retrieve&dataSource=gairmets: get: tags: - Dataserver summary: Dataserver for G-AIRMETs description: Return G-AIRMETs operationId: dataserverGairmet parameters: - name: startTime in: query description: > Start time * `yyyymmdd_hhmm` * `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ` required: false examples: -: value: "" epoch_secs: summary: A Unix epoch time in seconds value: 1737993602 iso_date: summary: ISO8601 Date value: 2025-01-27T16:00:02Z schema: type: string - name: endTime in: query description: > End time * `yyyymmdd_hhmm` * `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ` required: false examples: -: value: "" epoch_secs: summary: A Unix epoch time in seconds value: 1738004402 iso_date: summary: ISO8601 Date value: 2025-01-27T19:00:02Z schema: type: string - name: hoursBeforeNow in: query description: "Number of hours before now to search" required: false schema: type: number - name: format in: query description: Output format required: false schema: type: string default: xml enum: - xml - csv - name: boundingBox in: query description: Geographic bounding box (lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) required: false examples: -: value: "" box: summary: A small box around Chicago value: 40,-90,45,-85 schema: type: string responses: '200': description: Successful operation